88 Keys Another Victim

Friday, May 8, 2009

No Music Clap Clap Clap Clap

Sooooo whats good MTV. whats popping? sooooo where's the music huh? Where is all the music? All I see is a bunch of Hills reruns. Isn't this like false advertisement or something?

MTV stop playing music a few years back so as an result they created MTV2......So wats good MTV2? where's the fucking music? All ya show is a bunch of reality shows that are staged and corny. Then yall have dating shows that suck even more. VH1 already has that market in the bag homie so fall back.
No more TRL i wonder why? Could it be that BET's 106 & Park murdered yall ratings ?

I use to love you MTV. R.I.P

Now I get my music on Myspace/Youtube/ Limewire ;-) fuck off

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